Level controller 90 - 250 V | LC05

Level controller 90 - 250 V | LC05

Level controller 90 - 250 V | LC05


LC05 is a low-cost level controller for supply or drainage level control. Through its relay output, this device directly controls electrical pumps, valves, etc. and may be used either for tank emptying (drainage) or tank filling (supply). Two versions are available employing different methods for level measurement: - LC05 with resistive input., i.e. measuring electrical conductivity of the liquid between electrodes or between electrode and metal tank body, applicable for liquids with relatively high conductivity that are normally used in chemical, paper, food, wine, biotechnological industries, etc; - LC05 with electrical contact input, monitoring float state using magnetic or electromechanical float switches and applicable for various non-conductive liquids or cases of heavy condensation, vaporization, or foaming, such as in heating and water supply installations, etc. LC05 level controller is based on high-tech specialized electronic circuits that guarantee accuracy and stability, prevent electrolytic polarization, and ensure stable operation.


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